The 45th Mid Michigan SCI Hunter’s Convention Gala

The event will feature American and International hunting trips, wildlife displays, meet outfitters, raffle and door prizes, shopping for fur coats and jewelry, along with the lastest in hunting equipment. Friday and Saturday is open to the public with an admission fee. Friday events include Youth Raffle, Auction Items and a Members Only Raffle. Saturday events include Special Award, SCI Banquet, Live Auction and other highlights to be announced.

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Greg Traviss
Black Friday Sale!




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Greg Traviss
A Cold Canadian Wolf Hunt

For many years the idea of a wolf hunt had been appealing to me. I had already taken coyote and fox by hunting and trapping, and where we hunted black bear near Wawa Ontario Canada there were always lots of wolves. Though I had tried to set up hunts with our friend and outfitter Rick Dickson, there was always an obstacle that would prevent it from happening.

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Greg Traviss
The Quest for the Africa 15 Plus 2    

When I first went to Africa in 2009, bow in hand, I had only recently joined SCI and had little plan for what lie ahead. My first animal in Africa did not even count towards any slam or inner circle but the Texas heart shot from my bow while he drank at a water hole on a big baboon will always be a memory and one could say the beginning of the quest.

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Greg Traviss
August Membership Meeting


Please Join us for our August Membership Meeting



6:00 pm - Social Hour • 6:45 pm - Dinner

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Greg Traviss
My Favorite Place to Hunt

Where is my favorite place to hunt? Once upon a very long time ago I was reading a sporting magazine about roebuck hunting in Scotland. Major Neil Ramsey of Aberfeldy, Perthshire, Scotland was a well-known and respected booking agent for this sport. So I contracted for a week on the 55,000 acre Glenlivet estate during the early May season.

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Greg Traviss
6th Annual Mid Michigan SCI Golf Tournament

It’s the 6th Annual Mid Michigan Safari Club Golf Tournament at the Mount Pleasant Country Club. Tuesday, August 8th 2023. 7:30am Registration. 9am Shotgun Start. Four Man/Woman Scramble. $75 per person. Continental Breakfast and Luncheon. 50/50 Drawing Cash Prizes.

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Greg Traviss
A Hero’s Welcome

Veterans Danny Holbrook and Ryan Hulce may have fought in different wars but were honored with nine other U.S. disabled veterans in Thermopolis, Wyoming during the annual Hunting with Heroes program. “The people of Wyoming were extremely good to us,” stated Vietnam Marine Veteran Danny Holbrook, “They were the nicest people I have ever met”. National Guard and Operation Iraqi Freedom Vet Ryan Hulce agreed, “We felt so welcomed.”

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Greg Traviss
Board of Director Nominations

The Nominating Committee is seeking names of interested members to be nominated for our upcoming election.  Please provide a short paragraph about yourself to be included with election ballots.  This may be helpful to introduce candidates to the membership and create awareness of their qualifications.  Board meetings are generally held the first Monday of the month.  Board members are expected to be in attendance at the majority of the meetings and to actively participate in board discussions, decisions and activities.

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Greg Traviss
Moose Hunt in Saskatchewan

We left for Saskatchewan on September 26, 2022 with Tim Schafer and Dawn Miles, taking three days to drive the 28 hours to Missinipe and the 15-minute flight through Osprey Wings to Hepburn Lake.  We were driving Tim’s truck so we could bring home all of the moose meat we anticipated harvesting.  Tim had borrowed a huge homemade cooler and we had several other smaller coolers we hoped to fill.

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Greg Traviss
A Bear Story

Growing up, I was against hunting.  I specifically remember telling my dad that if he killed a deer while hunting, I was going to run away.  I attribute that to watching Bambi repeatedly as a child. Luckily for me, I did not have to run away (sorry dad)!  My paternal family is a family of hunters and anglers. I have memories of eating fisheyes and tails at my grandfather’s kitchen table. I am sure that is what scarred me for life.

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Greg Traviss
Christensen African Hunting Adventure

The next morning was still fairly windy, but the temperatures were better, in the mid-forties.  Not far from the lodge a group of red hartebeest were spotted.  We watched as they made their way up a different koppie (rocky hill/mountain).  When they made their way out of our sight Reinardt, Ivan and I climbed the koppie in an attempt to cut them off and get a shot.  When we reached the top the hartebeest were nowhere to be found.  It was like they vanished, but they had not.  There was a small depression or valley to our right and as we slowly made our way toward it, the small herd was at the bottom.  They saw us as we saw them and vacated the area quickly.  Although it was a failed stalk it was an enjoyable start to the day.

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Greg Traviss
Front Sight Magazine Editor's Message

At the time I am writing this we have just finished our 44th Annual Fundraiser Convention at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort.  (Look for photos in our next issue.)  We had a great turnout and I enjoyed talking with many of you throughout the weekend.  I always get excited when the Fundraiser comes around, not only for the anticipation of possibly winning a hunt at the live auction or something in the silent auction, but to see how much we can raise to help support conservation in Michigan and around the world.

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Greg Traviss